Thursday, November 18, 2010

photo of choice

This is the not edited picture. I took it on october 31st. portrait mode.

In this picture I changed the red car to green using color replacement. I think the car looks way better green. I also cropped it. I think either picture looks good. I think we should buy a new car or paint our car. :)
 I didnt do curves or levels because it looked better without it. I think this picture looks better cropped because the backgrounds not as busy.

Friday, November 5, 2010


This is the non edited picture I using the easy mode.

                                This is the edited picture I took on the 23rd. I
he first thing i did was crop it so its not as busy. Then I adjusted the vibrance to make the colors pop. I adjusted the brightness and saturaiton. I like the orignal photo better then the edited because the orignal is dark and gloomy.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Diagonal Rule.

this is the not edited picture i took it on october 20th. i used the landscape mode. i took it at a place down my road.

This is the edited picture i took it on october 20th. i  used the landscape mode and i got the best effect. first i adjusted the brightness and contrast of the picture to make it brighter. i adjusted it with the curves tool. i think it looks better in this picture because its clearer and has diagonal rule because of the road drags across the picture.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


This is the not edited picture. I took it on october 20th. I used the landscape mode.

I took this picture on october 20th using the landscape mode. The first thing I did was adjusted the brightness and contrast. After that I adjusted the vibrance to make the picture stand out more. I got rid of the darkness using the curve tool. I think  it looks way better this way because it stands out more. I like how its brighter now that i changed it.


This Is the not edited picture. I took it on october 12th. I used the landscape mode.

I took this picture on october 12th using the landscape mode.I adjusted the brightness and saturation. I also adjusted the vibrance and hue. I like how the colors come out more in this picture.