This was my picture before i put words on it.
This is it with words. The first thing i did was made 5 different text brushes. then i went to the selct menu and clicked on color range, first i did shadows then midtones. after i did that i had to different layers. i clicked ctrl-j to copy what i selected. then i hid the background layer and clicked on the midtones layer and from the edit menu i clicked on fill i used 50% gray and for the shadows layer i clicked on black. then i merged the to layers together. then i created a new layer and messed with the brushes and painted them all over the white layer.then i put a layer mask on the text layer i held down alt and clicked on the layer mask thumbnail. then clicked ctrl-v, ctrl-d, ctrl-i. then actived all the layers and this happened.. if i had trouble on anything it would of been the last step. i couldnt get the text to go on my picture. Ms. Minkel hapled me overcome it.