Friday, January 14, 2011

This was my picture before i put words on it.

This is it with words. The first thing i did was made 5 different text brushes. then i went to the selct menu and clicked on color range, first i did shadows then midtones. after i did that i had to different layers. i clicked ctrl-j to copy what i selected. then i hid the background layer and clicked on the midtones layer and from the edit menu i clicked on fill i used 50% gray and for the shadows layer i clicked on black. then i merged the to layers together. then i created a new layer and messed with the brushes and painted them all over the white layer.then i put a layer mask on the text layer i held down alt and clicked on the layer mask thumbnail.  then clicked ctrl-v, ctrl-d, ctrl-i. then actived all the layers and this happened.. if i had trouble on anything it would of been the last step. i couldnt get the text to go on my picture. Ms. Minkel hapled me overcome it.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

blog 14 creation of choice.

I made the background with circle brush that was black. I made a custom brush by selecting the picture and clicking on edit-define brush preset. i manually corrected the picture of kasey by adjusting the levels and curves. I extracted the picture of kasey from another picture by slecting it and dragging it onto another picture. I used edit-free transform to change the size of the picture of kasey.i changed the color of the dwarfs shoe to tan from black. I typed kaseys name in on t he bottom with the text tool.  I made the border by goint to select and clicking all then i clicked select again and clicked modify and went over to border and picked out the width of the border and then i put bluse in there with the paint brush.  I dont really like it. I think it could of been better and that i could of worked harder on it.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

blog 13. personalized card

This is my personalized card I took a picture of me and breanna and put it in the courner, after that I took little picture that represent me and I quick selected them and dragged them onto the picture. And then I made a custom brush to put the smiley faces on the picture. To do that I I put marching ants around a picture of a smile face, and then I went to edit and clicked on define brush preset. And then to put a picture on my words I dragged a picture on to the screen and we to create clipping mask. I think that this picture looks good. I like all the colors.
The sandwich: I work at subway
The heart: cause im a loving person :/
The volleyball: I love volleyball!
The makeup: I wear it everyday
Peace sign: they look cool

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

blog 12.

The first thing I did was made a background to put my pictures on. I pressed file new and a blank sheet came up. I used the paint brush to paint the background yellow. Then I went online to a font generator and created the title. Then I opened another picture on Photoshop and selected it. Then I made it so I could see both pictures at the same time. Then I used the move tool and dragged it on the yellow background, when I dragged it over the picture was to big so I used free transform and held the shift key .i did this with all the pictures. Then I used the paintbrush star tool to put lime green star all over. The picture of her playing in the snow with red mittens I used the curve tool. The picture of her sitting down on the snow I used the brightness/contrast tool. For the one of her swinging I adjusted just the brightness. For the one of her sitting on the bench I adjusted it by using the curve tool. For the one of her standing in front of the school I used the vibrancy tool.  I liked the one of her doing the peace signs how it was so I left it how it was. The one of her in the middle I used the curve tool. I like how it turned out in the end. It looked really cool.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

photo of choice

This is the not edited picture. I took it on october 31st. portrait mode.

In this picture I changed the red car to green using color replacement. I think the car looks way better green. I also cropped it. I think either picture looks good. I think we should buy a new car or paint our car. :)
 I didnt do curves or levels because it looked better without it. I think this picture looks better cropped because the backgrounds not as busy.

Friday, November 5, 2010


This is the non edited picture I using the easy mode.

                                This is the edited picture I took on the 23rd. I
he first thing i did was crop it so its not as busy. Then I adjusted the vibrance to make the colors pop. I adjusted the brightness and saturaiton. I like the orignal photo better then the edited because the orignal is dark and gloomy.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Diagonal Rule.

this is the not edited picture i took it on october 20th. i used the landscape mode. i took it at a place down my road.

This is the edited picture i took it on october 20th. i  used the landscape mode and i got the best effect. first i adjusted the brightness and contrast of the picture to make it brighter. i adjusted it with the curves tool. i think it looks better in this picture because its clearer and has diagonal rule because of the road drags across the picture.