Tuesday, December 14, 2010

blog 12.

The first thing I did was made a background to put my pictures on. I pressed file new and a blank sheet came up. I used the paint brush to paint the background yellow. Then I went online to a font generator and created the title. Then I opened another picture on Photoshop and selected it. Then I made it so I could see both pictures at the same time. Then I used the move tool and dragged it on the yellow background, when I dragged it over the picture was to big so I used free transform and held the shift key .i did this with all the pictures. Then I used the paintbrush star tool to put lime green star all over. The picture of her playing in the snow with red mittens I used the curve tool. The picture of her sitting down on the snow I used the brightness/contrast tool. For the one of her swinging I adjusted just the brightness. For the one of her sitting on the bench I adjusted it by using the curve tool. For the one of her standing in front of the school I used the vibrancy tool.  I liked the one of her doing the peace signs how it was so I left it how it was. The one of her in the middle I used the curve tool. I like how it turned out in the end. It looked really cool.